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Particle Energy Physics Solar Gasoline Istyle

By Quentin Engles

Physics is transcendent in its objectivity; an objectivity that explains our world in layers of realities. Sometimes we may take this transcendence for granted but there is still a feeling of excitement that accompanies the strangeness of physics and what it reveals. Visionary art has this kind of transcendence. This visionary art is based on the medium of “the vision”. A vision would be a transcendental seeing of reality. In this meaning transcendental would be the way the world actually is but is rarely seen.

Reality has these layers which only one is usually perceived as existing. Beyond what is normally deemed reality the other layers can be perceived through acts of seeking the vision and sometimes by accident of some inheritance unknown to the seer. Visionary art in this context would be an illustration in its metaphysical, transcendent reality, or truth of divine nature. Corroboration of the truth in the artwork comes from some kind of recognition from the observer of the art.

Some discovery may have been made in the past by an individual that observes the Visionary art in the now. This discovery may have been too strange or too much like fancy to exist. The visionary art can corroborate the objectivity of scientifically untestable subject matter. Subject matter can be formed by any deeper layers of reality that would be normally fairly hard to describe or prove in another context. Awakening of something within a visionary art observer is often reported. This may seem like the observer in question is having a transcendent vision of their own but is more likely a transcendent recognition of the deeper layers of reality.

Evidence of the transcendent truth of existence is shown like a fleeting shadow of a bird within the observer of the visionary artwork. Upon seeing the artwork there may be no initial understanding, thus no recognition. Yet upon later reflection there may be a recognition based on new discoveries post viewing of the art. Visionary art is a language describing the beauty of underlying layers of reality.

Physics reveals a reality that’s tenuous in its objectivity at the base level. Visionary art has it’s nature stemming from the gossamer essence that is all too real underneath everything. Like a mirror underneath reality is the force of manifestation that breaths existence into being. Visions of this reflective minds eye become more real in the illustration of the Visionary artist.

About the Author: Quentin Engles is a visionary artist making art in the visual medium. His artwork can be found at done in his mystical style.
